ARUK Inspire Award
We are collaborating with artist Will Lindley who has created an immersive art installation, “Flow”, that references the methods and messages of our research into the processes that drive the onset of dementia. It’s been lots of fun, at workshops and the big reveal in the Fishing Quarter Gallery in September 2023! You can see more information including future dates to catch “Flow” on Will’s website.
Our lab organises outreach events to teach groups of kids about the brain. We have received a grant to organize these events. We recently organized our first talk for Year 6 students. You can read more about it in our blogpost here.
We futhermore attend science fairs where we try to teach visitors about neuroscience. Through our talk and a number of activities, we try to teach the students about three different parts of the brain, the frontal lobe, the cerebellum and the visual cortex. Events attended
We also write articles for the general public. You can read them here:
Upcoming events:
FLOW at Hackney Gallery, 27th March, 2024 Contact us if you are interested |